Legal Notice

“” is the web portal of the Maritime Medical Service (Seeärztlicher Dienst) of the BG Verkehr providing educational films and forms for the Maritime Medical Handbook.

Published by

Seeärztlicher Dienst (Maritime Medical Service)
Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit (Ship Safety Division)
Berufsgenossenschaft Verkehrswirtschaft Post-Logistik Telekommunikation
(BG Verkehr, German Social Accident Insurance Institution for Commercial Transport, Postal Logistics and Telecommunication)
Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg
Telefon: 040/361 37-350
Fax: 040/361 37-333

Responsible editors

1. Dr. Philipp Langenbuch, Seeärztlicher Dienst, BG Verkehr
2. Annelie Ewen, Seeärztlicher Dienst, BG Verkehr
3. Andreas Stehr, BG Verkehr


The contents of this website have been scrupulously checked and implemented. Nevertheless, errors cannot be ruled out. Despite of careful scrutiny, liability can neither be accepted for the functionality of the website nor for completeness and accuracy of its contents. In particular, we accept no liability for any damage or consequence resulting from direct or indirect use of the content provided.

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Photo reference

Seeärztlicher Dienst der BG Verkehr/ Maurizio Gamberini

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The public contents published by the provider on this website are subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright. Any usage unapproved by copyright and ancillary copyright is subject to previous agreement in writing by the provider or respective copyright holder. In particular, this applies to duplication, editing, translating, storage, processing or reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media or systems. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. Unapproved copying of website contents or of the complete website are not allowed and liable to prosecution. Solely the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use are allowed.

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